10 Reasons Homeschooling Was The Right Choice For My Family

10 Reasons Homeschooling Was The Right Choice For My Family

Parents know that we must choose an education for our children based on their needs, so this list is not exhaustive. However, suppose you want to try homeschooling with your child. In that case, Another growing trend in American freedom is homeschooling, which is also becoming more popular in the U.A.E. In the United Arab Emirates, 4,000 students were registered as homeschoolers in 2014. Homeschooling is growing more common in the U.A.E. for a variety of reasons. Parents can pursue a flexible and personalized education anywhere in the world thanks to Academy, the Best American School in Dubai. Our American School of Dubai provides American education. All enrolled students in our curriculum receive complete, totally digital online resumes. Abu Dhabi institutions are well aware of the professionalism and diversity of homeschooling in U.A.E. Kindergarten through grade 12 students are accepted at the American school in Dubai called iCademy the Middle East, which has a KHDA license.

The following T.E.N. reasons make it better for your family:

Efficiency in Time:

A lot of time is lost and wasted in a typical classroom.

It would be best if you first waited for late children. Then you waste time reviewing homework and attendance. Faster learners will then have to wait for others to finish.

Moving from one classroom to another takes time as well. You can utilize this time for other things, like studying, when you homeschool. Alternatively, you may finish sooner and devote more time to extracurricular activities.

Individualized Curriculum and Methodology :

Your child can study what interests them when you homeschool them, and you can modify the curriculum to fit their learning preferences. Homeschooling is inherently kid-centered, and you know your kid the best! Home-taught high school classes also occur in elementary schools. You can personalize their education, select the program that best suits them, and create a schedule that works for the whole family and your child. Highly brilliant children and those who require more attention than the average student benefit greatly from a tailored program.

Encourages confidence:

You can plan their learning properly if they have “uneven talents,” as one homeschooling mom described it, or if they struggle with some topics but thrive in others. That builds their confidence.

Parent-Child Relationships :

You contribute significantly to your child’s education in more ways than one when you homeschool them. During your children’s formative years, you also strengthen your relationship together.

You can impart significant values to your family by teaching them about them. Having more time with children allows parents to spend more time with them. Additionally, you can assist your children in surviving adolescence largely undamaged.

Lower Emotional Stress:

Homeschooling has advantages for mental health. More sensitive children may experience much anxiety in traditional educational systems due to continual testing, tons of homework, social pressure, and sometimes overwhelming grades.

A benefit of homeschooling is emotional freedom.

Your child can just be themselves. They can be passionate about music or bugs, wear anything they want to wear, and style their hair in whichever they want. They won’t be made fun of, and they don’t have to fit in!

Network of support :

Homeschooling’s social benefits are frequently discussed, but you can find other families who share your interests by joining local clubs. Parents sharing their knowledge to instruct youngsters works exceptionally well in several areas. Some groups on Facebook and home education groups can offer more information.

Suitable for learners with disabilities:

If your child has learning impairments, sometimes even the greatest S.E.N. (Special Educational Needs) The Department won’t meet their needs. You can concentrate on what matters during homeschooling. You might employ cutting-edge ways to streamline the procedure. Your kids won’t be able to compare themselves to other youngsters and can concentrate on developing at their rate.

Flexibility :

Along with homeschooling, many people learned about the benefits and fun of remote employment during the Pandemic. It makes sense why most of us didn’t want to return to working in an office! The world learned that it is possible to travel and work simultaneously regarding the rise of the digital nomads as a new nation.

What if you have kids, though?

You probably guessed it, then. The answer is to homeschool. The entire process can be enhanced by travel because the entire world is your child’s school.

Child-led education :

Home education differs so much from traditional education because of this, most likely. If we can learn about the things we are interested in, we all learn more quickly and with greater enjoyment. Instead of forcing the child to move at the same speed as the class, you can move at their pace.

Passions Time:

Homeschooled children participate in many fascinating activities that traditional school students cannot. Does your child play sports? Do they wish to spend more time volunteering at the neighborhood zoo or the planetarium nearby?

As I already mentioned, homeschooling shortens the studying day and allows you complete flexibility, allowing you to include “extras” into your daily schedule.