B2B SEO Strategy: 4 Tips for Creating a Strategy for Your Company

B2B SEO Strategy: 4 Tips for Creating a Strategy for Your Company

B2B SEO Strategy: 4 Tips for Creating a Strategy for Your Company 

B2B SEO strategy is a long-term game that requires the patience of a farmer to see what the seeds you plant today will become three, six, or twelve months later. With this in mind, it’s essential to begin with a rock-solid strategy. The following four tips will help you move in the right direction and accelerate your journey to rankings, traffic, and revenue growth. 

B2B SEO Strategy: 4 Tips for Creating a Strategy for Your Company 

1. Choose Highly Targeted Keywords 

With B2B SEO, you usually aren’t going after a very broad demographic as you do with B2C SEO. Instead, you’re seeking the attention of a small, very targeted group of decision-makers. There may not be tens of thousands of these individuals out there, but each one is potentially extremely valuable to you, so B2B SEO requires an understanding of targeted long-tail keywords that have a lower search volume and higher value. 

For example, a payment processor might like to rank for the keyword: “Best payment processors for HVAC business.” As a six-word phrase, this is a very long-tail keyword. The monthly search volume might only be 100, 50, or even 20 searches a month, but if you’re a payment processor that provides for HVAC companies, you’re likely to make many high-value sales on those searches. And when you target hundreds of keywords like this, the traffic really begins to add up. 

2. Consider Searcher Intent 

In B2B, it’s important to understand the searcher intent behind every keyword typed into Google. One key distinction is the difference between information keywords and buyer keywords. Our previous example is a buyer keyword: a decision maker at an HVAC business is clearly thinking of signing up with a payment processor. You can tell that their credit card is pretty much in their hand as they search. 

If you can appear on page one of Google for a handful of these buyer keywords, you’re guaranteed a steady flow of paying customers. Information keywords, on the other hand, are where the searcher is trying to understand something, but they’re not quite ready to buy yet. For example, a great information keyword might be: “How do HVAC payment processors work?” You should also create content to rank for these information keywords, as the searcher is likely to buy someday. For more informative articles on Technology, click here to check newzxpress. 

Look for Keywords With High CPC 

Cost per click (CPC) is an excellent indication of how valuable a keyword is to your business and also how close to buying the searcher is. The CPC figure shows how much other businesses are paying to appear on page one for that term. 

If you see a CPC of $40, for example, then every visit from that keyword is worth $40 to your competitors. That’s a keyword most businesses would love to rank for organically. By using the content-creation tips in this post, you can do just that.  

Tools for Finding Valuable Keywords 

Some useful tools for digging up targeted long-tail keywords for B2B are Google Keyword Planer, Ahrefs, SEMRush, and KWFinder. You can also use Answer the Public to see what kind of questions people are asking in your industry. 

3. Create Content About Pain Points 

For most B2B businesses, it’s a terrific idea to create a highly-targeted blog that addresses the problems and quandaries your target customer worries about. You can even create a persona representing that individual and then consider what keeps them up at night. A lot of their day-to-day problems will be revealed by the search terms you find in your industry. 

In a survey of 200 senior-level B2B marketing executives, 68 percent of respondents said they prefer content to be organized around pain points. Decision-makers want to have their problems solved quickly and clearly, and they trust the source of those solutions. Become that source in your industry and create an abundance of content. B2B buyers typically consume three to seven pieces of content on a topic before speaking to a salesperson, so warm your leads up with  plenty of posts. 

4. Provide More Value Than Your Competitors 

Once you begin a daily or weekly schedule of content creation that targets high-quality keywords, you’ll gain a sense of what works and what doesn’t. This largely depends on the level of content-creating competition in your niche. For each keyword you target, study the competition first. Look at the existing content on page one of Google, think about how they’re falling short, then create better content. 

This might mean writing a longer, more comprehensive article or writing in a clearer, more engaging way. It might mean adding infographics, videos, images, lists, or tables to your posts. When your readers really enjoy your content, Google can tell and will give you a further boost up the rankings. Best of all, when you create great content, your readers will willingly share it, and you’ll start to gain organic, high-quality backlinks. 

When you approach B2B SEO with these ideas in mind, you will see improved results. Exactly the right people will start finding your content, grow to know and trust your brand, and become paying customers.