Care and follow-up after heart transplant

Care and follow-up after heart transplant

Heart transplants are generally advised for patients whose hearts may be at the risk of permanent damage or inactivity. Research suggests that the overall survival rate is about 90% after one year and about 80% after five years for adults. So let us see how we can take better care of ourselves or our loved ones during the heart transplant.

Take help from personal trainers: You can take help from professional personal trainers for regular light exercise to improve heart health. They will guide some basic and lightweight exercises that will decrease the load of your heart system functionalities.

Taking immunosuppressants – Cardiologists usually prescribe this to avoid attack from the immune system on the newly transplanted heart. Sometimes medical experts also advise antibacterial, antiviral and antifungal medications, as the immune system weakens while taking immunosuppressants, and the body must be safeguarded against infections.

Lifelong care plan – After a heart transplant, it is wise to follow the instructions given by the doctor stringently. It is crucial to carry medicines at all times to prevent unexpected mishaps. Check with the doctor before using nonprescription medicines, vitamins, supplements or herbal products. Limit alcohol and tobacco use.

Attend regular follow-up – Do you have any signs or complications post-transplant? How much has your health improved? How many of the precautions can now be relaxed? Follow-ups should be done appropriately and never be missed.

Rehabilitation – Many hospitals have cardiac rehabilitation programs that help patients regain strength and improve their quality of life. It is wise to undertake a rehabilitation program, complete it and then head home for complete recovery.

Counselling and mental support programs  – Feeling anxious or overwhelmed? Plagued by doubts or fears about life after discharge from the hospital? It is entirely normal to feel so, and you can seek support from loved ones and at the same time attend sessions carried out by mental health experts. In addition, joining a support group helps you empathize with patients undergoing similar challenges and issues.

Diet and Nutrition  – It is essential to adjust your diet to maintain a healthy body weight and keep complications such as hypertension, diabetes, and other heart diseases at bay.

It is essential to include:

  • A balanced diet with plant-rich foods
  • Adequate portions of fruits and vegetables daily
  • Lean meat such as fish and poultry
  • Foods low in sodium, fat and refined sugar
  • Fruits, vegetables, and whole grains that are high in fibre
  • Choosing heart-healthy fats such as avocados, salmon and nuts
  • Calcium; choose low-fat dairy products
  • Staying hydrated by drinking plenty of water and fluids

Are you gearing up for a heart transplant, or do you know someone who is about to get a heart transplant? Search for Best Cardiac Surgeons in India, and you shall be redirected to Dr. Tarlochan Singh Kler, an award-winning cardiologist at SeekMed. This global telemedicine platform allows you to book e-consultations with India’s top doctors, such as Dr. Tarlochan Singh Kler, who can help confirm the diagnosis, explore affordable treatment options and improve your health with expert advice.

Consult the best Cardiac Surgeons in India who can help you make an informed decision regarding a heart transplant and prevent further complications.