Difference among IELTS, TOEFL and PTE Exam

Difference among IELTS, TOEFL and PTE Exam



Well, many students don’t know the difference between the IELTS, TOEFL and PTE exams.


Well, I’m here to tell you the difference between these three my friends.


Now, see that many students may know about the IELTS exam. It is exactly the name given to students studying abroad for study abroad. But the other two words are not very audible.


Now, what are the three exams, and their importance is basically to go for other purposes such as studying abroad, immigration, and starting a business.


Top differences between IELTS vs. TOEFL vs. PTE




First, let’s talk about IELTS. In other words, IELTS basically refers to the International English Language Testing System. As the name implies, it means that it is a test that tests our English proficiency so that we can go abroad for migration or study.


Therefore, the IELTS exam is very common among students who want to study abroad for higher education. To enroll in a university, university, or other institution, you need to pass the IELTS test, and most universities want it. This is why it is considered an important exam while admitting students. Also, if you live in Jaipur, you can get IELTS coaching in Jaipur. You can get the best IELTS coaching in Jaipur with some good research from your side.




Now let’s talk about the TOEFL exam.


Therefore, TOEFL basically refers to an English test for a foreign language. This is done by the Educational Testing Service. Works at all universities in Canada and the United States.


IELTS is the most common exam, but some universities and colleges also accept TOEFL exams for admission, but only in Canada or the United States.


The TOEFL score is valid for 2 years from the date of the exam.


Not only this, you can also try TOEFL once every 12 days. It also includes working on all four sections that are the same as IELTS. The four sections are reading, writing, speaking and listening.


PTE Exam


Now let’s talk about the PTE exam. Therefore, PTE refers to the English Pearson test. Same test as the above two. However, this is a computer-based test for non-native English speakers.


Some universities also accept PTE exam scores for admission procedures. Well, it’s up to you which college you want to go to?


This is because all universities and institutions have criteria or procedures for accepting any of the above band scores from these three exams.


So it’s entirely up to you. Well, you will need the complete information for the university you want to enroll in.


However, I think that I can solve the information problem because I can contact overseas educational institutions. An overseas education consultant can provide you with all the important information you need.


Also, if you live in Jaipur, you can attend TOEFL, PTE and IELTS coaching classes in Jaipur. You can get the best IELTS coaching in Jaipur with some good research from your side.


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