Does Hot Desking Improve Productivity?

Does Hot Desking Improve Productivity?

Hot Desking is a concept of two-tier mobile phone service provision which seeks to utilize fixed offices for mobile phones and mobile Internet to form the backbone of communication in the workplace. This concept was initially tested in the Australian city of Hobart, Australia, where telco carriers operated fixed desks for mobiles along with their Internet connections at selected locations in the city. These trials showed promising results with improved staff productivity, reduced costs, and improved efficiency.

Hot-Desking Technology

The success of the pilot project prompted an interest in larger areas such as Melbourne, Australia. A pilot program was established for the operation of twenty mobile outlets in the city center of Melbourne. The results were impressive, with over one thousand mobile Internet connections being provided by ten different carriers using hot-desking app technology. One of the key drivers behind the success of this effort was the increasing level of mobile phone use in the city center of Melbourne, where many people chose to take a break from the high-rise apartment blocks during their daily commutes to work.

Internet via Fixed Desks

The basic principle behind hot desking is that fixed desks can be transformed into mobile offices and provide mobile phone or broadband Internet services wherever and whenever required. In this case, mobile phones are connected directly to the Internet via fixed desks. The advantage to staff using mobile phones is that they do not have to be in the office physically, which means that team can take advantage of the flexibility of being in “on the go” mode. The fixed desk can also act as a miniature PC or laptop with an attached keyboard, providing access to email, the internet, and web pages even when the telecommuter is away from the workplace.

Office Environment

The application of Hot Desking to the office environment is not simply the development of mobile phone outlets. Instead, it is creating mobile solutions that can provide the connection between the fixed workforce and mobile staff. The result is that employees spend less time in the office, with greater efficiency and reduced costs.

Hot Desking is also being applied in public transport systems such as the city’s metro system and buses, where one card must access all services. The benefit is cost savings for the employer, but it also means that users are no longer required to carry a large mobile phone. Instead they only need a laptop or computer to access specific applications. This allows a greater degree of flexibility for the worker, who can still be at work and still have access to certain information.

Retail Environments

Hot Desking is also being applied in retail environments. Many retail stores have replaced their fixed desks with portable laptops and tablet computers, allowing staff to carry the needed information around at all times. Retail workers can now move items such as magazines, newspapers, and catalogs from their working station on the premises, rather than having to lug a huge bag to the till every time they need to lookup information. This has proved to be a positive step forward in staff satisfaction as employees no longer feel pressured to perform to unrealistic standards.

Record Tracking

Hot Desking is also gaining in popularity in the commercial field. Many hospitals and businesses have discovered that investing in mobile phone software to track patient records has proved to be beneficial to save money and increase efficiency. The ability to track information instantly without using a computer has helped cut costs and boost productivity. The software works by using a mobile phone connected to a tablet or laptop computer. The patient uses to enter some basic information about themselves, such as their name, address, and a contact telephone number. The system then creates a report, which the doctor or nurse can use to ensure that the patient is being treated safely and correctly.


As technology advances, many questions that were once “urgent” are now “doable.” People are discovering that investing in a good business plan will help them make the most of any new opportunities. While it is still not possible to answer the question, “Does Hot Desking improve Productivity?”