Domain Name Mistakes – How To Put An End To Them?

Domain Name Mistakes – How To Put An End To Them?

One of the most important means your web users access your website is by entering your domain name into the URL. Without a domain name, you will not be able to launch your website or make it available over the web for users. This is where most website owners opt to register for a domain name.

But registering the domain name is not as easy as it looks; there are a lot of possibilities that you may mess up and make a lot of mistakes. Your website domain name is a great way to present your brand and professionalism to your audience, but committing a few mistakes will make all the efforts go in vain. You must avoid making these domain name mistakes and hire someone to help you come up with a presentable and professional domain name.

Keep scrolling down the article to get familiar with the common mistakes website owners make when choosing a domain name for their websites.

Top 6 Domain Name Mistakes You Should Avoid Making

People mix the concept of website hosting with domain name hosting, but these two are different things but highly interlinked. Web hosting services ensure storing your website files; on the contrary, a domain name allows the users to access these web files using the provided address. These files become inaccessible if your website’s domain name is incorrect and you have made many mistakes in defining them. You must stop making these mistakes to ensure your websites are available and accessible.

The following are a few mistakes you need to stop making as soon as possible to make sure your websites represent your brand the way you want them.

1. Not opting for a domain name host

One of the major mistakes you need to quit today is not considering a professional domain name host to help you suggest and manage the domain name. Several site owners consider doing it themselves, but the only thing they get is regret and loss. You must consider the importance of a domain name host for your website to minimize as many mistakes as possible.


2. Using complex domain names

Using a complex and lengthy domain name is a big no, and it always leads to confusion and misunderstanding among your users. It might be possible that due to the higher complexity and length of the domain name, the user is typing the wrong address. It is better to keep it short and simple but make sure it is unique to enable the user to reach your website easily. Not doing so will make the user believe your website is unavailable, or they may find it tiring to type a complex address.

3. Using homophones

Homophones are words that have the same pronunciation but have different spelling and meanings as well. Using homophones in your domain name will make your web user make many mistakes. Such mistakes will probably take your web users either to an unavailable page or a web page that is not yours. Instead of directing your user to an irrelevant page with a poor domain name selection, make sure you are wise with the choice of words.


4. Using hyphens and numbers

If you wish your domain name to be a combination of words, then make sure you are not using any hyphens or numbers to separate each word. When we speak about the structure and orientation of domain names, they are usually without numbers and hyphens. When typing in your domain name, the user would not prefer to use hyphens if you have any in the name. The user enters the domain name without any numbering and spaces, which you need to take care of.

5. Not keeping domain management secure

The world of internet is becoming filthy and unsafe due to the increase in the number of hackers, and these hackers also attack your domain names. When choosing a domain name and other related specifications, you need to ensure that the domain name passwords are safeguarded. Access to these passwords will make hackers take over your website and business. It is better to opt for a domain name hosting service to help you with the management and security of your domain names.

6. Using pre-existing domains

Using pre-existing domain names is the biggest mistake any website owner could ever commit. You need to know that every domain name is unique and different; otherwise, you will face issues in directing web users to the required website. Moreover, facing legal issues with a plagiarized or copied domain name is also very common.

Final thoughts!

If you want your website to be accessible and available, you need to pay much attention to the hosting service and its domain name. It is better to opt for website hosting services that not only host your website but also help you in managing the website domain names.