How can you avoid getting stains in your teeth?

How can you avoid getting stains in your teeth?

Everyone wants their teeth to be white and unstained. If your teeth are white, you exude confidence from the core. Additionally, your loved ones may see the benefits of excellent oral health and dental cleanliness in your smile. Unfortunately, the items you eat and the habits you practice could gradually make your smile less bright. What is possible to prevent dental stains in such circumstances? In this editorial, Professionals at dentistry in Westchester CA provides you straightforward tips to have whiter teeth.


Avoid tobacco use.


One of the worst things you could do to your oral health is to smoke or chew tobacco. According to various studies by Sleep Apnea dentist, smoking increases your likelihood of developing gum disease, boosts your risk of developing mouth cancer, and prevents your gums and teeth from healing normally. A few weeks of smoking can make your teeth yellow from a cosmetic standpoint, and a long period of smoking can turn them brown. If you smoke and you don’t like the way your smile appears, then visit a doctor immediately away to find out how to stop.


Foods that are proven to discolour teeth should be avoided.


But over time, a lot of the foods we consume on a regular basis can stain our enamel. To keep the teeth white, stay as far away from coffee, tea, dark fruits, oyster sauce, dark carbonated beverages, tomato paste, cranberry, & red wine as you can. The majority of these meals and drinks have properties that can discolour your teeth and destroy the enamel surface. There is a simple approach, though, that enables you to sometimes enjoy a glass of wine while still keeping your teeth healthy. If you’re drinking wine, pair it with cheese! Cheese helps to counteract the acidity of the wine, creating a protective natural border between your tooth and chromogens.


Eat Foods that Protect Your Teeth


While avoiding staining foods and drinks, substitutes that protect your teeth can be used in their stead. Apples, celery, among carrots are examples of crisp, water-rich foods that promote saliva production while you chew. Saliva works to neutralise acids that may erode your dental enamel & make the teeth more susceptible to stains. Strawberries generate malic acid, a naturally inhibitor that works to remove yellowing from the enamel of your teeth, despite the fact that you may believe that their vivid red hue would tarnish your teeth. Yogurt and certain other dairy items as per emergency dental care Los Angeles provide calcium, which strengthens teeth while also balancing the pH in the mouth to lessen acidity that can cause stains.




To sum up, if you follow these suggestions and see your dentist often, you can keep your smile bright as well as white for a very long time.