Is Your Tyre Safety Up to Scratch? Here’s What You Need to Know

Tyres are one of the most important safety features of your vehicle. Unfortunately, many of us don’t pay enough attention to them until there is a problem. Tyre safety is something that all drivers should take seriously and it pays to be aware of the factors that can affect the condition and performance of your tyres. In this blog post, we’ll take a look at what you need to know to make sure your tyre safety is up to scratch. We’ll cover things like tread depth, tyre pressure, tyre age, and regular tyre readings.

The importance of tyre safety is dedicated to helping you ensure that your tyres are in the best possible condition, as they are the most important safety feature of your car. Tyres are the only contact point between your vehicle and the road, so it’s vital that they are in top condition. Driving on bald tyres increases the risk of an accident or breakdown, and can also lead to costly fines.

Tyres are responsible for keeping your car stable on the road and providing traction when you need to accelerate, brake or corner. Worn or bald tyres may not provide enough grip, making it difficult for you to stay in control. Furthermore, poor tyre condition can also cause excessive wear and tear on other components of the car, leading to additional repair costs.

At we believe that tyre safety is the number one priority for any driver. Making sure that your tyres are properly maintained and in good condition is essential for maintaining a safe driving experience. So if you’re looking for a reliable tyre service in Tyres Reading, come to for all your tyre needs!

The dangers of driving on bald tyres

Driving on bald tyres can be incredibly hazardous. When the treads on your tyres are worn down, they will be less able to grip the road and may cause skidding or even a blowout. This can be especially dangerous when driving in wet or icy conditions. Furthermore, tyres that have lost too much tread can lead to decreased performance in braking and steering and may increase the risk of an accident.

That’s why it’s essential that you regularly check the tread depth on your tyres. If you don’t have the necessary equipment to measure it, then you can use a simple test such as the “Tyre Reading” test. All you need to do is take a 20 pence coin and place it into the groove of the tyre. If you can see the outer band of the coin, then your treads are too low and your tyres may not be safe to drive on. It’s always a good idea to consult a professional to make sure that your tyres are safe.

The penalties for driving on bald tyres

It is illegal to drive on bald tyres in Australia. If you are caught driving on bald tyres, you will receive an on-the-spot fine of up to $550. Depending on your state or territory, you may also be charged with a criminal offence and incur a further fine of up to $3,300. You may also receive demerit points and be disqualified from driving for a period of time.

It is important to regularly check your tyres to ensure they are safe and roadworthy. The best way to do this is to check the tread depth of your tyres using a tyre reading tool or a 20-cent piece. The Australian minimum tyre tread depth is 1.5mm across the entire surface of the tyre and it is illegal to drive with a tread depth of less than 1.5mm. It’s also important to check the air pressure of your tyres regularly and adjust accordingly. This can be done at most service stations and garages. lightsabers

Remember, staying safe on the roads is your number one priority and that starts with having the right tyres. Make sure you’re checking your tyres regularly and if in doubt, replace them to stay safe on the roads.