Liver diseases can be classified into five stages

Liver diseases can be classified into five stages

The liver is among the largest and most amazing organs of the human body. Although all organs have certain or restricted roles, however, the liver is an extraordinary organ with a myriad of tasks. To date, more than 500 tasks have been linked to the liver. scientists believe more could be discovered in the coming years.

The primary function is the processing of everything we consume, whether that be alcohol, food or other poisons. the liver gets damaged due to all the poisons that we consume. Blood infections also affect the liver and cause damage to the liver. Numerous other diseases such as inflammations, diseases and inflammations that cause cancer, such as those in other organs, are also affecting the liver.

The causes of Liver Disease

  • Drinking excessive of alcohol
  • Viruses
  • Auto-immune disorders
  • Unhealthy diet
  • Obesity
  • Genetics
  • Certain medicines
  • The use of drugs
  • Exposure to chemicals that are toxic

Different Liver Condition Types

The term “liver disease” is a gradual decline in health and health of the liver. There are a variety of reasons that cause the liver condition. Common conditions are:

  • Viral hepatitis
  • Immune hepatitis
  • Alcoholic liver with fatty tissue
  • Non-alcoholic fat liver

Different stages of Liver Disease

No matter what the root reason, liver disease is a progression through the same stages for various patients.

Stage 1: Inflammation

At this point, the damage that is ongoing to liver cells caused by several ailments and agents causes the liver to grow larger. Patients experience abdominal pain that is located in the upper right region (where the liver’s situated). At this point, the problem may be manageable. In those with non-alcoholic liver disease, there might be no obvious symptoms. This is why it’s crucial to schedule an annual check-up for health and one which includes tests for liver function.

Stage 2 Scarring

If the inflammation that is seen in the first stage is left untreated, the liver tissues gradually start to scar. The damaged tissue begins replacing normal liver tissues. The condition is known as fibrosis. It is also called the condition of cirrhosis. When toxins, fat, and scarred tissue begin to accumulate within the liver, it is known as fibrosis. It could cause disruption to the structure of the liver and cause distortion to the flow of blood inside the liver. The tissues that do not receive sufficient blood supply eventually become necrotic and then die. At this point, appropriate treatment by a liver specialist in Delhi and lifestyle modifications can reverse the problem to a certain degree.

Stage 3 The cause is Cirrhosis of the Liver

At this point, the scarring has been completed which means there’s no hope that the liver will heal itself in the near future. The only choice for this type of patient is a an organ transplant. The good thing is that it can take a long time before you reach this stage often a long time, even decades. There are a variety of symptoms that no one can overlook. There’s a lot of discomfort, pain, or tenderness within the area of the liver that is located in your abdomen. People start losing their appetite, and the little food they consume gives them an unflattering feeling in the abdomen. This is caused by the accumulation of fluid. Also, he/she suffers from jaundice that causes the eyes to turn yellow and the skin becoming pale. Itching is often caused by the accumulation of bile pigments on the skin

Stage 4: End-of-the-line Liver Disease (ESLD)

As the cirrhosis worsens the liver starts to decline.

Liver failure can be classified into two kinds. The acute liver problem is seen in a short period of 48-72 hours and is usually caused by causes different from alcohol. Chronic liver failure can take longer to develop and is typically caused by alcohol use. The patient experiences vomiting, nausea, diarrhea weight loss, and an inability to eat. The mental or cognitive health is also affected and the person is confused or disoriented frequently. If a suitable liver is discovered quickly and transplanted, the patient’s life may be saved or else, ESLD is generally fatal. The patient can be placed on life support systems until an appropriate liver is discovered However, the chances of survival are slim.

Stage 5 Liver Cancer

Certain doctors believe that there are only four different stages in the progression of liver diseases, and don’t include the cancer of the liver as stage five. The reason for this is that liver cancer can occur at any time within the liver and may be due to factors beyond the presence of liver illness (primarily the liver is cancer). Also, Cancer within any area of the body could spread to the liver (secondary liver cancer). Additionally, it could be diagnosed at any of the four above stages, but it isn’t necessarily the final stage of the four stages. Like ESLD liver cancer can not fatal unless there is a matching liver or a portion of the healthy liver is transferred to the human body.

BLK MAX Hospital in DELHI is recognized worldwide for its best liver hospital in Delhi with multidisciplinary services in all of its Centers of Excellence, and for its extensive, cutting-edge technology, particularly in the field of diagnostics and remedial treatment in heart disease transplantation, vascular as well as neurosciences medical. The hospital is situated in the center of Delhi, the hospital and provides pediatric and adult trauma services.