Quit These 6 Habits Immediately To Not Harm Your Health

Quit These 6 Habits Immediately To Not Harm Your Health

Do you think having a reasonable diet, taking vitamins in the morning, or going to bed early are all beneficial for health? The following studies may help you decide to change these habits.


  1. Applying a diet with soft drinks and Skipping healthy foods


Many people turn to sugar-free drinks with the desire to lose weight quickly.


But a new study by US scientists has revealed that using ready-to-drink beverages increases the risk of stroke or dementia by 3 times.


The Boston University reports say that, for reasons that are not clear, artificially sweetened beverages are strongly linked to serious health problems.


And previous studies also show that the beverage diet is not only far from the original weight loss purpose, but also deceives the body’s sugar cravings, leading to abuse of that drink. and cause weight gain.


Elderly people who regularly drink carbonated drinks have 5 times larger waists than those who do not drink.


If you are addicted to carbonated drinks, your best bet is to sip some carbonated mineral water, add a little lemon juice or a slice of orange instead.


In addition, you should not be skipping healthy foods such as unsweetened yogurt, unsweetened avocado smoothies, nuts that are rich in proteins, and antioxidants such as almonds, nuts, and seeds. walnuts, cashews,…There are many saving Ways Of Maintaining A Healthy Diet that you can refer to, check it other methods below.


  1. Take vitamins in the morning


7/10 people often have the habit of adding vitamins in the morning, but recent studies show that some foods and beverages used in breakfast prevent the body from absorbing them. vitamin intake.


In a study by the University of East Anglia, hot foods such as porridge inhibited three-quarters of the absorption of iron in vitamins.


Similarly, polyphenols found in tea and coffee prevent the body from absorbing other important minerals such as zinc, magnesium, and calcium.


The best time to take vitamins is right after a meal when the stomach acid is activated to digest them.


  1. Assuming that herbs are always safe


It is a common mistake to think that all herbal products are safe because they are natural products.


Dr. Dick Middleton, chairman of the British Herbal Medicine Association, said that all medicines have their good and bad sides, and herbs are no exception, with some effects affecting the effectiveness of a prescription.


For example, St John’s Wort (or Hypericum Perforatum) in small doses can make birth control pills ineffective and make the skin more susceptible to sunburn.


Also, not all herbal products are of the same quality. Many products, when tested, show that they are of poor quality, even contaminated, and very dangerous.


Safe herbal products will have the THR symbol – which means they are licensed by the competent authorities to be safe and effective for use.


  1. Eat too much fiber


Until now, doctors have advised us to absorb more fiber to promote digestion.


But if you’re one of the 10-20% of people with irritable bowel syndrome, too much fiber will only make your problem worse – bloating and even pain.


Professor Julian Walters, the author of What’s up with your gut, found that many cases of irritable bowel syndrome patients complained that their bowels became worse when eating a lot of fiber.


“The fact that they eat too much bran, fruit or lentils makes them bloated and worse, leads to diarrhea,” says Walters.


Many new studies show that patients with irritable bowel syndrome find that eating less FODMAPs helps ease their symptoms. Those foods include some fruits, vegetables, and grains that are easy to ferment and produce gas during digestion.


  1. Abuse sunscreen


For more than 20 years, we all know the link between skin cancer and the sun has led health experts to recommend that everyone use sunscreen to protect themselves from the sun. Protects skin from harmful UV rays.


But in the UK 40% of people are deficient in vitamin D. Because our bodies need to rely on sunlight to synthesize 90% of the vitamin needed for bones and the immune system.


And now, vitamin D is also known for being good for the heart and fighting cancer and diabetes.


You need to protect your skin from the sun, but at the same time, then you need to get enough vitamin D for your body.


  1. Oversleeping


Everyone knows that getting enough sleep is good for the body, but if you sleep more than 10 hours a day, it can be harmful to your health.


The risk of heart disease, stroke, and diabetes is higher in people who sleep a lot, scientists say. They’re still not sure why, but another Arizona State University study found that getting two more hours of sleep a night causes back pain, a depressed mood, and specifically increases blood levels of a protein. IL-6 has been linked to heart disease and several other dangerous illnesses.


A standard sleep is 7 hours a day. And if you have trouble sleeping, stay away from electronic devices, phones, TVs, or tablets before bed.


Above is useful information that we have synthesized about 6 habits that are harmful to the body.


In addition, if you want to supplement your health, increase your resistance and especially still save money, use discount codes for healthcare on major e-commerce sites.


Wish you good health and give up bad habits in daily life.