Self care Tips For Young Adults and Teenagers

Self care Tips For Young Adults and Teenagers

Healthy habits and self care is very important for humans. It prevents certain health conditions. Healthy lifestyle can keep our blood pressure and cholesterol safe. Self care is a part of life. Self care produces positive feelings. If we don’t look after ourselves, our brain, sleep, and health are all affected by this. Self care causes lower risk of illness. Self care says more about you. Aged between 14-19 are teenagers. Teenage is the time of growth that’s why they need special care.


Healthy eating tips


Everyone should maintain a healthy and balanced diet. But teenagers need extra care, it is the time of growth and development. Eating habits play an important role in our life, because what we eat reflects in our body. Teenagers should eat at least 5 portions of a variety of fruit and vegetables everyday. Potatoes, rice, bread, dairy they should eat everyday. Rather than eating junk food, sugary or high fat food. Boyes require 2,800 calories and girls require 2,200 calories in a day. Dried fruit or smoothies are good for health. If you are vegetarian you may not get all the vitamins that come from animal food sources. In that case you can take B12 supplements.


Spend time with your loved ones


Spending time with our family and loved ones increases happiness. It helps to reduce anxiety and stress. Families are the biggest supporters all the time. Go for vacation, eat a meal together. Share your thoughts with your family. Friends are equally important for us. They never judge, improve self confidence. Friends give a positive impact on our overall health. Go out with your friends if you are studying in a hostel then participate in a college dorm party. Spending time with your friends can reduce your anxiety.


Enough sleep & Check up


Teenagers need more sleep because their mind and bodies are growing quickly. Research says teenagers do not get enough sleep. 8 hours of sleep is important for them. Good quantity sleep is important for physical health, emotional and mental health development. Less sleep causes anxiety, depression and even suside attempts. The world is now in our hands because of smartphones. So every adult and teenager should check up on their health every year on home depot health check website without physically going to the hospital.


Manage Your Weight


Teenagers need to eat all kind of foods. Body is common concern of teenager. Excess weight at any age are not good for our health. Sleep late night and wake up late is the reason of weight gain. Teens are not enough physically active. The reason behind this they spend more time on television, video games and mobile. Spending more time on a digital screen causes poor eating habits. For maintaining healthy weight teenager should spend more time outdoors and activity. Physical activity at least 60 minutes per day can help you to manage healthy weight.




Teenagers are a very sensitive age, parents need to give them extra care this time. Physical activity is very important for humans, it makes bones strong and boosts energy. Always try to eat healthy food, it plays a very important role in our life. Most young people didn’t take proper care of their health. It’s time to improve yourself, follow your passion, and do what makes you happy. It’s the secret of health. Always remember our health is a precious thing, we should always take care of it.