Stop Eating These 5 Foods Now If You Have Sensitive Teeth!

Stop Eating These 5 Foods Now If You Have Sensitive Teeth!

Teeth sensitivity is one of the most common dental health problems. It has affected millions of people and many more will face this issue in the future. Everything you eat can have a good or bad impact on your oral health.


Regular brushing is flossing keeps your teeth healthy and prevents gum diseases. Teeth sensitivity is a completely different issue. It is also known as dentin hypersensitivity. When you experience discomfort or pain in your teeth due to eating or drinking certain foods, it is teeth sensitivity.


Dentin hypersensitivity can be a chronic health issue or a temporary condition. You need to limit the intake of certain foods in both cases. Stop eating the following 5 foods if you are experiencing this problem.


  • Ice cream:


Ice cream is delicious, but it is also quite cold. You will experience severe discomfort or sharp pain in your teeth if you eat ice cream. It also contains sugar and that can worsen your condition. Ice cream can further deteriorate enamel, which protects the dentin. Even cold breeze will start causing pain if you don’t quit ice cream consumption. Quite it at least until the enamel is fully recovered!


  • Soda:


It is extremely harmful to your sensitive teeth. It contains acid and sugar and both severely damage the enamel. So, you should quit it right now. Switch soda with water or some other beverage until you have teeth sensitivity.


  • Hot coffee:


Regular coffee drinkers won’t like it, but this hot beverage is also responsible for wearing the enamel. The hot temperature of coffee causes severe discomfort. Some people also experience sharp pain due to drinking coffee. It can also discolor your teeth and then it won’t be easy to regain the natural whiteness of those teeth. Therefore, you should avoid drinking coffee!


  • Candies:


Whether you eat sour candies, hard candies, or gummies, stop eating them from today. All these candies contain sugar. They get stuck in-between your teeth. These stuck candy particles become food for germs, which damage the enamel. You can starve those germs by not eating sticky foods.


  • Alcoholic beverages:


Whether you love beers, wine, whisky, or other alcoholic beverages, they are responsible for tooth decay. Regular intake of such beverages causes teeth sensitivity in many teeth. The problem gets worse if you do not control that drinking habit. Wine’s acidic content is quite harmful to your teeth. So, quit drinking until the teeth sensitivity issue is cured. 


What should you eat to prevent teeth sensitivity?


Teeth sensitivity is a curable health issue. You just need to avoid acidic, sugary, and sticky foods to speed up the recovery process. You should also increase the intake of certain foods to aid in the enamel recovery process. Those foods are:


  • Milk and dairy products


  • Vegetables and fruits rich in fiber


  • Vitamin and mineral-rich foods


  • Nuts


Eat these foods daily if possible. Thus, you won’t feel pain or discomfort in your teeth due to worn enamel.


Should you change your oral hygiene routine to cure teeth sensitivity?


Yes, you should change the oral hygiene routine if you got sensitive teeth. Start brushing your teeth two times a day. Use a brush with soft bristles because it won’t damage the enamel layer of your teeth. Apply the opalescence gel on your teeth to speed up the recovery process and protect the dentin.


You should not brush or floss forcefully because it can cause the root decay problem. Never miss your dentist appointments! Thus, you can diagnose and treat such dental health problems before they get more painful!


Final thoughts:


Yes, it can be daunting to avoid certain foods that you love a lot. It is necessary to recover the damaged enamel layer. The issue can get much worse if you don’t quit the recommended foods today. This sacrifice will come with a reward and that is a much stronger enamel layer. You will be able to enjoy all your favorite foods without worrying about pain or discomfort!