Top 7 Digital Marketing Trends to Watch Out For In 2022

Top 7 Digital Marketing Trends to Watch Out For In 2022

If you’re looking to attract and retain more customers in the next few years, you’ll need to stay ahead of the digital marketing trends that are sure to change how we market products and services over the next few years. This article will explain in detail what these trends are, what they’ll mean for your business, and how you can start experimenting with them right now. We’ve even included some helpful resources so you can easily get started on your way to effective future marketing campaigns!


  1. B2B Marketers Will Catch Up


Historically, B2B marketers have been slow adopters when it comes to digital marketing trends. As more of our time is spent online and more businesses grow, that trend will change. In recent years we’ve seen a steady increase in B2B activity on social media platforms and a significant increase in content marketing activities. We’ll continue to see social media interactions, search engine optimization (SEO), and content marketing become standard digital marketing tactics used by all kinds of businesses. In fact, Gartner predicted nearly 75% of content produced by marketing teams will be geared toward commercial objectives rather than building brand awareness or relationships with prospects/customers by 2017. The next 10 years are going to bring even bigger changes as new technologies emerge and innovation becomes increasingly important.


  1. Chatbots Will Get Even Smarter


Predictions about chatbots are pretty common today, but we predict that in five years people will be even more surprised by how smart they’ve become. We believe chatbots will go from helping us track our package delivery to aiding doctors and teachers. In fact, we already have a human-like virtual assistant on Facebook Messenger called M. It’s only a matter of time before more businesses catch on and start designing their own digital assistants. As chatbot technology becomes increasingly powerful, expect it to integrate with your email, calendar and app notifications as well. To get an idea of how companies might incorporate chatbots into their marketing strategies by 2023, take a look at our infographic How Chatbots Are Transforming Digital Marketing.


  1. More Brands Will Partner With Agencies and Other Brands


Now that more brands understand that there are certain advantages of partnering with another brand, it will be a growing trend. Data collection and data sharing capabilities allow brands of all sizes to complement each other’s services, which allows customers access to their needs from a variety of different digital marketing companies. One brand may specialise in customer service support, while another excels at landing page design or e-commerce solutions. They can all work together to ensure one seamless experience for their customer base. By 2022, we predict that most brands will have figured out how valuable it is to partner with other brands in order to meet their customers’ needs—and they’ll do so as a matter of course.


  1. An Artificial Intelligence (AI) In Every Device


From cars to refrigerators, AI will be everywhere. There are already appliances that can self-organize and clean on their own; many of these products will be able to process shopping lists based on what is most important and what is about to expire. AI technology is also improving every day, making virtual assistants smarter and more helpful every year. In 2022, you’ll know that these are online marketing trends of 2018-2019 making big strides forward when your smart speaker starts offering advice while you brush your teeth or remind you that you need milk by 5 p.m. This trend will prove beneficial for businesses because people will trust machines more than humans with their money, leaving marketers open to utilize new tactics within online marketing trends 2017-2018 digital environment


  1. Data Governance Becomes Necessary


Today’s digital marketing company marketers can collect data on a vast array of topics and digital strategies, making organization and data access incredibly important. With so much information at their fingertips, company owners will need to develop ways to sort through it all while keeping up with constantly changing regulations around protecting consumer privacy. It is predicted that by 2022, 80% of internet traffic will be from videos. This means companies need to plan ahead and consider how they are going to capture these viewers. Marketers should focus on creating compelling content based on consumer interests such as their hobbies or passions like sports. Videos are an easy way for consumers to learn about products or services through tutorials or demonstrations.


  1. Programmatic Buying Is A No-Brainer


Programmatic buying is all set to become a big deal. It would seem that every few months, we hear of a new technology or tool coming along that is going to revolutionize digital marketing. However, some of these innovations really do live up to their hype and create major shifts in how brands communicate with their audiences online. Programmatic buying, which refers to those instances when an advertising campaign is bought and served based on real-time data (e.g., demographic information, location data) rather than via human decision making. This seems destined for success and will likely be around it until it’s replaced by a next-generation advertising technique!


  1. Marketing Automation Forges Ahead


As marketing automation becomes more accessible and affordable, it’s likely that businesses will increasingly look toward computerized programs to streamline their efforts. Automation features are popping up all over, with even some of today’s most popular social media platforms are including them, for example Facebook Messenger’s Autoresponder.


Marketing automation also helps eliminate some of the common frustrations marketers face with manual processes. For example, oftentimes you’ll be locked into specific hours or days that you can’t work on certain tasks, and automated marketing doesn’t have that problem. On average, companies automating their marketing efforts report higher ROI than those who don’t.




So what do you think, is this an accurate list of the top digital marketing trends to come in the next several years? Are somethings missing? Should they be added to the existing list? If so, then leave us a comment below and tell us what you want to see more of in the future. Oh and as a little bonus tip to all of you who read our entire blog post- if you like these types of articles, click here to stay updated each week on more of our latest content! Anyways, we hope you enjoyed reading this article and learned a lot from it. Good luck with everything!