What Happens While in Rehab

What Happens While in Rehab

Drug rehab is a complicated process involving numerous steps to help achieve long-lasting recovery from addiction. These steps include detox, medical detox, counseling, psychiatric care, medical and/or psychological evaluation, clinical treatment (e.g., therapy, medication), and aftercare. Detox is the process of weaning the body off of drugs, while medical detox is the process of weaning the body off of drugs by using medications, such as intravenous fluids. The majority of people who go to rehab stay in a medical detox unit for a few days before entering a psychiatric unit. Trucare Trust is one of the leading and best Rehabs in Pune for alcohol and drug addiction treatment.

There are several reasons why people may find themselves needing rehab. Some examples include:

  • The person is physically dependent on drugs.
  • The person is trying to wean off drugs while still experiencing withdrawal symptoms.
  • The person has an underlying psychiatric condition that is causing them to compulsively use drugs.

The First Step: Diagnosis

The first step during drug rehabilitation is a diagnosis and assessment. This is where a professional will use several different tools and resources to figure out what kind of addiction you suffer from and why you’re addicted. Drug addiction can be broken down into several different categories, including substance use disorder, medical conditions, psychiatric conditions, and personality disorders.

Being able to diagnose yourself with a substance use disorder is crucial, as this allows you to get individualized treatment with a counselor or therapist who is knowledgeable about your specific condition. It also means you don’t have to go through rehab again if you don’t need to. Other key things to know during the diagnosis phase of rehab are:

  • What drugs do you use and what is the frequency with which you use them?
  • How you use the drugs (i.e., how often, how long you take them, etc.)
  • What settings do you use to use drugs?
  • What problems do you face while using drugs.
  • Why you became addicted in the first place.

Why Do People Get Addicted to Drugs?

There are several things you’ll want to know about the reasons why people get addicted to drugs during rehab. These include:

  • Why you started using drugs in the first place.
  • What problems you’re trying to solve by using drugs.
  • What other people, places, and/or things do you use drugs to escape from?
  • What do you think about while you’re using drugs.

How Does Rehab Work?

During rehab, you’ll undergo several different elements that help you overcome your addiction and achieve long-term recovery. These include:

  • Cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) – A type of therapy that helps you overcome your addiction by teaching you how to identify and avoid triggers that may prompt you to use drugs.
  • Self-help books – Reading self-help books can help you improve your overall well-being and increase your self-confidence while in recovery.
  • Group therapy – Group therapy can help you work through issues you’re facing in your relationships and interpersonal relationships.
  • Individual counseling – Individual counseling can help you gain an understanding of the roots of your addiction, as well as how to better manage stress and other aspects of your life.
  • Group activities – Group activities can help you build lasting friendships and make new friends in rehab that you can rely on for support.

Other Elements of Rehabilitation

During rehab, there are several other key elements you’ll want to know about, including:

  • What to expect while in rehab – This includes what you can expect while in rehab, as well as what you can expect after rehab.
  • Treatment types – There are several different types of treatment that can help you overcome your addiction.
  • Stress management – While in recovery, you’ll want to focus on managing stress and avoiding caffeine and sugar, as these have been shown to increase the risk of relapse among recovering addicts.
  • Aftercare – Aftercare can help you stay clean and/or avoid relapse after leaving rehab.
  • Avoiding triggers – Outside of rehab, you’ll want to avoid drugs and other triggers that may prompt you to use drugs again.

Wrapping Up: Is Drug Rehabilitation Worth It?

If you’ve been thinking about rehab, you’ve come to the right place. The truth is, no one can tell you if rehab is right for you, as it’s ultimately up to you whether or not you want to make the change. But, if you’ve been thinking about changing, there’s no better time than now. Drug rehabilitation can be a helpful, life-changing journey. However, it’s important to remember that it is a process, and it’s important to surround yourself with positive people, engage in healthy activities, and treat your body well. That being said, there is no “quick fix” when it comes to overcoming addiction. If you’re serious about overcoming your addiction, you’ll need to be prepared to do the work. Drug rehab isn’t easy, but it can be worth it with the right mindset, preparation, and support. So, whether you decide to try rehab or not, stay tuned for future blog posts that will help you get through this difficult, yet exciting, period in your life. Get Directions to Rehabs in Pune.